成为dlcBTC 承兑商
成为dlcBTC 承兑商的步骤.
成为dlcBTC 承兑商的步骤.
向 dlcBTC 网络提交申请,详细说明您的业务和合规能力。
设置必要的技术基础设施以与 dlcBTC 网络进行交互,包括钱包设置和访问白名单。API 可根据要求提供。
接受有关 dlcBTC 协议的培训,包括铸造、销毁和交易流程。
Our dlcBTC Discord server has been compromised due to a security breach with the owner’s account.
We are working closely with Discord to resolve this as quickly as possible.
Please avoid interacting on the Discord for now, and we will keep you updated on our progress.
No other systems were affected. Due to our design, theft is impossible. No funds are at risk.